Carpel Tunnel Dirge / Requiem for hands that work

15 months since the carpel tunnel operation. Sadly not filled with the joys of happy hands. They don’t usually go numb now but still hurt to some extent most of the time and worse when used. Gripping anything like a steering wheel, changing gear, carrying any weight all causes pain and I can’t put them down flat so have to lift myself up using my knuckles.

Writing is still worst than is was before the operation, holding the pen is painful & controlling it is difficult. Playing clarinet is frankly ridiculous, still persevere with practice and lessons but there are problems making the fingers do what I want and after 30 minutes I can no longer even hold the clarinet. I am just too stubborn to give up.

Very disappointed. Especially as the surgeon said whilst he didn’t guarantee the operation would cure the problem there was no chance of me being worse off afterwards.

So to anyone considering this operation just be aware that whilst for many people it works well there are some who end up with more problems.


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